Day care / Nannies in Bochum

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Childminder in Bochum

Reliable care for your children

We make it easier for families to find suitable childminders. You are looking for:
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Knuddelhelden BochumKnuddelhelden Bochum

Welper Straße 14
44879 Bochum-Linden

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Child day care / childminders in Bochum

Looking for a childminder or childminder in Bochum?

Why are there childminders / childminders?

Some parents or single parents in Bochum are unable to look after their children all day on their own, for example because they are working or completing an apprenticeship.

This is where childminders can help. The children are looked after there individually and flexibly as in a family, similar to day care centers, day nurseries, day care centers, day care facilities, OGS, school care is child day care.

The care provided by childminders (there are of course also childminders) can be provided by the hour, half-day, full-day, at night or on selected days of the week. Childcare can be provided either in the childminder's home, in specially rented rooms or in the parents' home. As a rule, a childminder looks after up to five children.

To be able to look after children in day care, a care permit from the youth welfare office is required. Child day care is a permanent, regular form of care for children of different ages; it is not intended to "keep" the children, but to support and guide them in their individual and social development.

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