Hallenfreibad Langendreer


Eschweg 50
44892 Bochum-Langendreer


  Event porposal


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Hallenfreibad LangendreerHallenfreibad LangendreerHallenfreibad Langendreer


There are no further information. You can send us some information under Offer modifications and additions.


  • Hallenbad
    Maße: 15m x 15m
    Beckentiefe: 1,25m - 3,80m
  • Nichtschwimmerbecken
    Maße: 10m x 15m
    Beckentiefe: 0,80m - 1,25m
  • Kinderbecken
    Maße: 4,50m x 2,50m
    Beckentiefe: 0,30m - 0,60m
  • Freibad
    Maße: 50m x 20m
    Beckentiefe: 1,90m - 2,00m
  • Nichtschwimmerbecken
    Maße: 45m x 35m
    Beckentiefe: 0,80m - 1,35m
  • Kinderbecken
    Maße: 100m²
    Beckentiefe: 0,20m - 0,40m


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Please note that you are only allowed to use images whose rights you own and which grant us the right to use the images sent for publication.

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Added at 01.07.2017, updated at 20.03.2019
We do not accept responsibility for correctness or verity of any information.